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No English Rule working1 minute read

One of the most effective language learning tools I have found is the no english rule. I have definitely spoken about this before and possibly at length.

The hardest thing about this ‘tool’, probably better called method is implementing it.

So unless you are lucky enough to have a native Chinese speaking friend, partner or telepathy you may think this is impossible to achieve. Fear not my friends it isn’t.

So firstly, what is the no english rule? It’s quite simple. Set a length of time and don’t speak English at all for that length of time. (Have know people to go for weeks and months with no English)

You need to be a little past beginner to do this. You can simply walk around the house having set yourself a target of two hours and think or speak out-loud in as much Chinese as you can. Wo yao cha, you might say. Wo yao tang/cafe/kan dianshi. Narrate your life for those two hours.

Grab yourself a Mandarin teacher either in a shared class (cheaper) or go private. And speak nothing but Mandarin with them. Even if your classmates want to speak English don’t. If you don’t know how to say the word, try and think of another way of describing it. 

Apple = It’s red, you eat it, taste good, fruit, red fruit, green fruit, not an orange, common fruit. red food, good for your body, keeps the doctor away.

Car = you sit in it. on the road. it goes forward and backwards. its big and metal. it has wheels. you have one. you used one today. traffic lights. police have one. yi liang bu zhidao. very fast.

Kettle = hot water in it. hot water and tea. tea. not a cup. use water, make hot. container hot water. cold to hot.

If you are resourceful enough to find yourself a language exchange partner using a myriad apps and tools out there you can apply this rule without hesitation. By FAR the best way to make a language is to speak it and don’t stop speaking it for as long as your life will allow. APPs and tools include iTalkie, Lexttalk, craigslist,, skype. 

I used the term ‘language exchange Chinese’ on google and found this is two seconds-:

There is no excuse. Outside of this, listen to Chinese programs and radio shows and surround yourself with it as much as possible. Learning from books for one hour a week is fine but won’t help much out in the world. Get up, Get on and get speaking!

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